The London English Song Festival is only able break new boundaries in the field of English music with the help of its supporters, to whom we owe a huge debt of gratitude. A registered charity dedicated to the promotion of English vocal and choral music, in particular works that have been neglected for too long, we are reversing trends that have often belittled English music. The LESF strives to increase the awareness of English Song and Oratorio within an educational narrative, rekindling the flame for this and future generations, and has a reputation on the UK stage for compelling and innovative programming.
It makes a huge difference to us and to our long-term planning of major projects if you are able to donate regularly to the London English Song Festival. As a regular donor, you will receive regular updates about the LESF’s projects and we will be happy to discuss our future plans before they are made public. Your support is hugely important and greatly appreciated. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’d like to talk more about how any money you donate will be spent, or your level of involvement with our projects. The London English Song Festival is a registered charity (number 1159818), and as such any monies received and any profits made will be ploughed into our current and future projects.
It was impossible to put together a project of the scale of our 2019 revival of Judith without plenty of goodwill and support. We are hugely grateful to all our supporters: for a comprehensive list, please see below.
We have just made our 2022 recording of Parry’s Prometheus Unbound, which will be released on Chandos Records in 2023, but we are still actively seeking support for this and future projects. There are six levels of support within the LESF with differing levels of involvement, but all our supporters are valued highly for what they give, financially and in many other ways.
U.S. donors can now support us, with tax deductible benefits (i.e. as a 501(c)(3) organization) via the American Friends of the London English Song Festival, with thanks to the King Baudouin Foundation United States.
UK donors can donate via the CAF Donate button below. Alternatively, you can pay us directly via BACS – if so please get in touch directly via the contact form or call 07966 149039, or write a cheque to London English Song Festival and post to London English Song Festival, c/o William Vann, 14 College Court, London SW3 4NL.

Virginia & Richard Gabbertas
Simon Yates
The Amaryllis Fleming Musical Foundation
With a gift of this scale you can make a huge difference to the effectiveness and scope of our projects. You will receive private access to our entire rehearsal process and recording sessions, a VIP invite to recording launch events and future concerts (including receptions) a special mention in all programmes and in CD booklets and regular, personal updates from the LESF team & William Vann.
This is also an immensely important level of support to us. You will receive private access to our rehearsal process and recording sessions, an invite to recording launch events and future concerts (including receptions) a special mention in all programmes and CD booklets and regular, personal updates from the LESF team & William Vann.
John & Susan Singer
You will receive, as thanks for your support, access to our recording sessions, an invite to recording launch events, a special mention in all programmes and CD booklets and regular, personal updates from the LESF team & William Vann.
Alison & Jeremy Dibble
John Francis
Kathleen Price
Michael Trott
The Ralph Vaughan Williams Society
You will receive access to our recording sessions, a special mention in all programmes and CD booklets, and regular, personal updates from the LESF team about the project.
Chris Ball
Chris and Adie Batt
Andrew Neill
Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede
John Wates
The Nicholas Boas Charitable Trust
The Association of English Singers and Speakers
An anonymous donor
You will receive a credit in all programmes and CD booklets, access to one recording session and regular, personal updates from the LESF team about the project.
Robin Darwall-Smith
Siri Fischer Hansen
Peter Gilliver
Martin Murray
You will receive a credit in all programmes and CD booklets and regular updates from the LESF team about the project.
PATRONS: Sir Thomas Allen CBE, Malcolm Martineau OBE
CONDUCTOR’S CIRCLE: Elaine Bonas, Virginia and Richard Gabbertas, Simon Yates
BENEFACTORS: Sir Vernon Ellis, Robert Venables, Q.C.
GOLD FRIENDS: The John S Cohen Foundation, The Foyle Foundation, The David and Claudia Harding Foundation, The Prince of Wales’s Charitable Foundation
SILVER FRIENDS: John and Sharon Francis, Kathy Price, the Gemma Classical Music Trust, The Nicholas Boas Charitable Trust
BRONZE FRIENDS: Chris Ball, David Harman, Jonathan Langridge, Andrew Neill, Patrick Snowball, Michael Trott, the Association of English Singers and Speakers, the Music Reprieval Trust, the Ralph Vaughan Williams Society
SUPPORTERS OF PAST FESTIVALS INCLUDE: The Bowerman Charitable Trust, The John Ireland Trust, The Kathleen Ferrier Awards, The Lennox Berkeley Society, The Vaughan Williams Charitable Trust, Joseph and Jill Karaviotis, David Peddy, The Concordia Foundation, Christopher Gorman, Judy Booth, Kathleen Walker.